Scope of Application

This Privacy Notice applies to processing of personal data that is collected, which means information about an identifiable individual (“you”), that FDL NZ Limited (“FDL”), its affiliates, parent(s) and subsidiaries (“Company”, “we” or “us”) collect through our website (“Tool” or “website”) about applicants or freelancers like you, current or former employees, contractors (collectively “Applicants”). It also describes your data protection rights, including your right to object to some of the processing that FDL may carry out. More information about your rights and how to exercise them, is set out in the Your Choices and Rights section below.

What Personal Data we may collect

Personal Identification (PI) and communication information:
Personal Information: name, home address, phone numbers, email addresses, photo.

Sensitive PI: nationality, national insurance number, tax identification number, social security number, driving licence number, passport details, immigration status and where permitted for diversity and monitoring purpose, information concerning your, gender, health, race and ethnicity.

Application related information: curriculum vitae (CV), cover letter, employment and education history, qualification and skills, reference contacts information, position preference, willingness to relocate or work onsite, desired remuneration or fees and background screening information.

Why we collect, Use and Store the Personal Data
Collection of personal information for propagating business:
From time to time, we may request Personal Information from you to process your job applications through our website and/or to get feedback from your experience on our website. In addition, we may also use your personal information for other business purposes or in order to help serve you better, such as informing you of new employment opportunities, services, products or alliances that could help you in your career or business. Your posting of any such Personal Information is entirely your discretion. While you can visit our site without disclosing any Personal Information to apply or to register on our website there are web pages that require such information to complete certain functions, thus these web pages may not be available to you if you decide not to reveal the information requested. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Personal Information is accurate and complete. Third parties such as employers, companies across the globe may access your Personal Information to verify your details and offer you appropriate employment or work through the website.
Collecting domain information
Our Website may use a technology known as web beacons – sometimes called single-pixel gifs – that allow this site to collect web log information. A web beacon is a graphic on a web page or in an email message designed to track pages viewed or messages opened. Web log information is gathered when you visit one of our Websites by the computer that hosts our Website (called a “webserver”). The webserver automatically recognises some information, such as the date and time you visited our site, the pages you visited, the website you came from (to the extent you have given your consent), the type of browser you are using (e.g., Internet Explorer), the type of operating system you are using (e.g., Windows 10) and the domain name and address of your Internet Service Provider. If you have given your consent, we may also include web beacons in promotional email messages in order to determine whether messages have been opened.
Use of cookies
To the extent you have given your consent, our Website uses a technology called a “cookie”. A cookie is a piece of information that our webserver sends to your computer (actually to your browser file) when you access a website. Then when you come back our site will detect whether you have one of our cookies on your computer. Our cookies help provide additional functionality to the site and help us analyse site usage more accurately. For instance, our site may set a cookie on your browser that keeps you from needing to remember and then enter a password more than once during a visit to the site.
Cookies are categorised based on the functionality. You can opt-out of each cookie category (except strictly necessary cookies) by clicking on buttons against the category under “Cookies Settings” option on cookie banner.
For further information on cookies and cookie banner please refer:
IP address
Our Website uses Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider, so you can access the Internet. Generally, an IP address changes each time you connect to the Internet (it is a “dynamic” address). We use your IP address to report aggregate information on use and to help improve the Website.
You should be aware that this site is not intended for nor designed to attract individuals under the age of 18. We do not collect personally identifiable information from any person we actually know is an individual under the age of 18.
Areas of this Website that collect your information use industry standard secure socket layer encryption (SSL), reasonable security controls, appropriate technical, physical organisational security controls are employed for protection of data, however to take advantage of this your browser must support encryption protection (found in Chrome, Internet Explorer release 3.0 and above).
Processing purposes
We process the data to ensure a proper connection build-up, system security and to improve our Website. We process your Personal Information when it is necessary for the purposes of a legitimate interest pursued by us or a third party (when these interests are not overridden by your data protection rights) under the circumstances like mentioned below
To identify you once you register on our website; and
To contact you and respond to your questions or requests;
To understand which parts of the website are visited and how frequently; and
To provide access to desirable content based on your preferences.
Disclosure to third parties
To the extent permitted by law and to fulfil the purpose of this Website, we may share your Personal Information with agents, contractors or partners of the Company in connection with the services that these individuals or entities perform for or with the Company. These agents, contractors or partners are restricted from using this data in any way other than to provide services for the Company or services for the collaboration in which they and the Company are engaged in (for example, some of our products are developed and marketed through joint agreements with other companies). We may, for example, provide your information to agents, contractors or partners for hosting our databases, for data processing services or so that they can mail you information that you requested for. You may remove yourself from any such list or notification at any time.

The Company reserves the right to share your Personal Information

to respond to duly authorised information requests of governmental authorities or where required by law. In exceptionally rare circumstances where national, state or company security is at issue. The Company reserves the right to share our entire database of visitors and customers with appropriate governmental authorities.
We may also be required to disclose your Personal Information in the event of a legal investigation or any such other process where we are required to do so by applicable law or where we have to establish our legal rights or where disclosure is required to prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person.

To the extent permitted by law, we may also provide your Information to a third party in connection with the sale, assignment or other transfer of the business of this Website to which the information relates, in which case we will require any such buyer to agree to treat your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
As a convenience to our visitors, this Website may contain links to a number of sites that we believe may offer useful information. The policies and procedures we described here may not apply to those sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their privacy, security, data collection and distribution policies.
Verification of Data
To the extent permitted by law, it will be necessary for us to verify the details you have supplied (e.g. your identity, employment history, academic qualification and professional credentials). Such verification could be done through third party service providers, who shall be bound to obligation of confidentiality and data protection.

Where permitted by applicable law, FDL reserves the right to monitor, intercept, access and erase all information, material, data and communication (including emails, telephonic conversations, audio / video conferences/calls and voicemail recordings) regarding registration and further processing of your application through the Website or Tool.

How we share your personal data
We will share your personal data with other FDL or third-party companies, to the extent required for the work or work opportunity, you are applying for or employment or assignments.
In the event that a FDL business is sold or integrates with another business in total or in part, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and prospective purchaser’s advisers and will be passed on to the new owners of the business.
Please note, for Applicants from European Economic Area (EEA), your personal data will be processed in or accessed globally, including but not limited from jurisdiction outside the EEA by FDL and categories of recipients (e.g. third party providers) in jurisdiction that do not have equivalent data protection laws to those in the EEA for the purpose outlined above. When we transfer your data to outside FDL, we use the European Commission’s adequacy decisions and rely on standard contractual clauses to safeguard the transfer, unless we transfer the data to third party, that has implemented binding contractual rules, in which case, we may rely on one of those mechanisms to safeguard the transfer as applicable and obtain your consent for the data transfers to the United States and other countries. For further information, including, how to obtain a copy of the documents used to protect your information, please contact us as described in the contact us section below.

Your Choices and Rights
You have the right to ask FDL for copy of your personal data to correct, delete or restrict processing of your personal data and to obtain the personal data you provide in a structured and machine-readable format. In addition, you can object to the processing of personal data, in some circumstances (in particular, where we do not have to process the data to meet a contractual or legal requirement). Where we have asked for your consent, you may withdraw consent at any time. If you have asked to withdraw your consent to FDL from processing your data, this will not affect any processing which has already taken place at that time. For any such queries you may contact
These rights may be limited, for example, if fulfilling your request would reveal personal data of another person or if you ask us to delete information which we are required by law or have compelling legitimate interests to keep. If you have unresolved concerns, you have the right to complain to the data protection authority.

How long we retain your personal data
We will retain your personal data only for as long as we need it for FDL’s legitimate business interest in accordance with applicable laws, to fulfil your registration and application process and to perform services as you have opted for or to meet legal requirements, after which we will take steps to delete your personal data or hold it in a form that no longer identifies you.

Updates to this Privacy Notice
This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We will encourage you to check for changes to this Privacy Policy occasionally, which will be available at:
On some occasions, we may also actively advise you of specific data handling activities or significant changes to this Privacy Policy, as required by the applicable law.
Contact us
The Data Controller for your personal data will be FDL through whom you are registering or applying for relevant work or employment positions.
If you have any question about this Privacy Policy or wish to contact us for any reason in relation to our personal data processing, please contact us at: